While you may permanently lose special student loan benefits like forbearance, deferment and income-based repayment, refinancing student loans could save you money in the long term. First Republic, for example, has an overall NPS of 72, while the U.S. Banking Industry average sits at just 34.1.The PNC Student Loan Center is grateful for your service and we would like to help you understand your benefits and protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The SCRA provides eligible service members with financial relief and protections that apply to private and federal student.First Bank in MO, IL and CA offers a variety of mortgage loans including fixed-rate, adjustable, jumbo, FHA, VA and more. Compare our home loans online.Comparing different student loan offers is key to getting the best loan for you. We evaluated the six biggest websites that aggregate information about student loan Multi-year approval also makes it easier to access additional student loans, after taking out your first Citizens Bank student loan.