The outstanding amount is the Total due of your loan that you need to pay to the bank including interest and principal till date. Ledger outstanding is nothing but the amount which is appearing in the books of accounts ( now a days in computer ) on particular date say 2 lac on 14/2/2019.Because the government has influence over several of the components of aggregate demand, it has the power to shift AD through its policy choices. Why aggregate demand does not increase for the same reason in response to a decrease in the aggregate price level ? In other words, what causes.Shouldn’t a interest rate rise cause cost of production to increase, therefore shifting SRAS to left? Thanks in advance. $begingroup$ Aggregate demand shifts left because the rise in interest rates in an economic model should decrease demand. The issue is that the shift in the real world is.The aggregate supply curve shifts outward to the right. All right, and we find ourselves with less We have an example recently in Spain, of a deregulation which was the liberalization of the labor At the same time it shifted the aggregate supply curve out to the right. So it should leave us, and it is in.The shift will be equal to the increase in the amount multiplied by the spending multiplier. This multiplier is found by dividing (1 / marginal propensity to consume). The MPC is the value that shows how much of the new money injected into the economy will be spent by consumers and, thus, is the.A ) An increase in potential GDP increases aggregate supply and shifts the A S curve. leftward. To get ride of it, we should reduce the AS by increasing. wage rate( less workers will be hired, due amount of reserves banks are required by the Fed to be held as a percentage of the bank’s deposits.